life is a journey. enjoy the trip.
06 May 2006

Free and Available

getting the hung of blogging again. i've been trying to visit the blog sites that i used to check-out. suprisingly, hindi lang pala ako ang tinatamad mag blog. hehehehe... though, i discovered there are a few blog newbies that i know. i will definitely frequent their blogs now.

arnold just got back from their business planning activity in mimosa. when he got home, his friend from college is already waiting for him to check-out my car. yes, we are selling my civic. his friend is very much interested, but a couple of days ago had second thoughts on getting a car because she has to go back to america sooner than expected. she said she'll be giving us her decision on the car by sunday, coz she really wanted to pay
for my car already when she got the call.

we've been getting some inquiries about the car since we've advised our friends about selling. most of the inquiries are from interested friends, and some are from friends who have a large network of car people who wants to help us sell (of course, we will be providing them a "finder's fee").

on what car to replace my old car with??? well.... let's just wait and see... i don't want to disclose anything yet until, the unit has been ordered. *wink*

as free and available that i feel i am this weekend, i guess my hubby will be busy entertaining friends who want to see the car.

we are also scheduled to see MI3 this weekend, not today though, most likely tomorrow evening. arnold has been excited to see this movie for quite some time now.


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