life is a journey. enjoy the trip.
04 August 2005

The To-Do List

been thinking about the wedding lately... and how come i feel like i haven't been accomplishing much these days... has the lazybug hit me again. don't feel like it did, though, i want to make a big leap on the preparations... oh well... probably, i need my co-pilot, my fiancè. huhuhu... he'll be back on the weekend, but i don't think he'll be in time to meet the femme ento.

maybe what i need is a big chunk on the preps, something major, like the prenup photo shoot. huhuhu.... kailan kaya??? i promised myself i'll one step at a time, one step at a time, and one step at a time. i think i'm experiencing panic!!!!!!!! wwwaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i've been reading wedding blogs lately, and i've seen their timetable. and makes me think more, where am i in my "timetable"? i think i am lost. help!!!!!

i am back on track on blogging. been browsing through a lot of blogs, and it looks like there are a lot of friendster bloggers these days. one comment though.... the friendster bloggers are fond of posting songs and poems, but no feedback, nothing to trigger a conversation or a discussion, nothing to share but phrases and paragraphs that rhyme. since i'm into reading books... why don't i post the contents of the book?! or since i'm a csi freak, why don't i post the season 5 finale?! hehehehe... in my honest opinion lang po. i don't mean to sound mean hehehehe.... hello to all the w@wie and n@wie chatters! *muah*

hopefully after the meeting with the femme ento and tet, and seeing my hubby, i'll be able to provide real updates. i have a lot in my to-do wedding preps list. i think it's about time that i put it on paper. hehehe...

take care y'all!


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