life is a journey. enjoy the trip.
17 November 2005

23 Days More of Single Blessedness

we're now on our final leg, and i think i'm now in PANIC MODE!!!! waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh......

our coordinator, jeng, said that everything is already in place. we just have to schedule our final meetings with the suppliers, and buy some stuff/materials (konti nalang 'to!) that we will need for the wedding. i guess, it is safe to say that we're 92% complete!

awaiting my sister, brothers, mom and dad... and my fiancè, of course!

10 November 2005

30 Days More of Single Blessedness

we're almost done. just the details, details and details. plus, the immediate family of the bride.

still too busy to make updates. i'm now keeping a daily to-do list. wish me luck!

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