life is a journey. enjoy the trip.
01 July 2006


i was in the mood for playing with the boys today. we had a walk around our yard in the morning, a practice of how obedient they've become after their basic obedience training. so far, they did well and they pleased me this morning.

this afternoon, before i fed the boys, they were playing and running around the yard. tapos, naiinggit ako. i felt like playing with them. so, i decided to walk towards them. as i was walking, the boys were both running, running to my direction. before i knew it, rocko was running so fast and didn't get the chance to retreat from his pace, and kaboom! i was hit by an oversized labrador retriever (who weighs more than i do) and a 4.5-month-old dobermann puppy. there i was on the garage pavement lying face down. good thing there were no scratches on my face, only scratches and bruises on a couple of fingers and toes and arms. but that still hurt! i wasn't able to get up right away. masakit talaga! so, how are the boys? i don't think they know that they hurt me, because, when i got up, they came to me and still in the mood for playing, most especially the dobe puppy, dupree who was jumping up and down.

so there, now i know what it feels like to be ran over by two large breed dogs. masakit pala. hehehe...


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